New York, NY — Feb.. 21, 2014 We love our clients and wanted to tell you about one that we worked with in the past and recent months, Maurice Frumkin.
By Euletha Dukes
The hallways in most New York City middle schools present a familiar scene. Students hustle from class to class, abuzz with the day’s gossip, while the sound of lockers slamming shut can be heard just before the bell rings and makes it clear who’s on time and who’s late — that’s Anyschool, USA. But there is something else that makes the students in this scene quite unique.
Every year, some 90,000 middle school students in New York City enter one of the most competitive school choice programs in the country — admission to the high school of their choice. For a middle-schooler, this is big. Success in this competition is even bigger than being voted Most Popular or asking that special someone out for a date. It’s life-changing big. And parents are well aware of that, which is why they do everything they can to help their kids get into the best schools.
Students can turn to any number of valuable resources — teachers, coaches, guidance counselors and advisors. These are all great team players, but there is only so much advice and guidance they can give. What students really need is a specialist, a coach who sees the bigger picture and can come up with a game plan to get them that personalized win of acceptance into the right high school.
Thousands of parents and students have enlisted the aid of NYC Admissions Solutions to help them achieve that victory. Maurice Frumkin, founder and president of NYC Admissions Solutions, credits his professional expertise to working in the New York City public school system for over 20 years, five of which were spent as the Deputy Executive Director of High School Enrollment in the Department of Education. “I’ve worked in the system, and no one else can offer this kind of personalized expertise. I help families so they don’t have to deal with miscellaneous logistics they shouldn’t have to deal with. It saves them time, gives them peace of mind, and gets them a better outcome.” Thousands of successful applicants can attest to that.
Mr. Frumkin advises that the sooner parents and children start with the high school admissions process, the better. Starting as early as the sixth grade gives them adequate time to navigate the system. What kind of obstacle course are they dealing with? One strewn with application deadlines, interviews, auditions and portfolio submissions, not to mention the stress of learning about the different admissions criteria used by the New York City schools they’ve set their sights on. Without a patient, personable guide, the whole affair can quickly become overwhelming, particularly if parents and students are ill-equipped to handle the complexities that inevitably arise.
The best results often go to parents and students who are engaged in the process from beginning to end, who are proactive and forward-looking. Mr. Frumkin consults with the student and the parents together, the better to tailor school recommendations to their needs and goals. He might even suggest great schools that his clients have never heard of.
Now think again about those hallways, this time in a high school. Come September, they are again abuzz with students, many of whom are making new friends at a new school. In many cases, it looks like it did, indeed, turn out to be the best choice after all. Was it worth the time, effort and sacrifice? Absolutely. For both parent and student, it’s that rare, golden, win-win situation.