Anna Marie D’Addarie
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
“Living on the island isn’t for everyone. Thank God,” says Anna Marie D’Addarie. She washed ashore on Martha’s Vineyard 10 years ago with her husband, Don. A recent widow, a situation she does not recommend to anyone, Anna Marie is a free-lance writer who also works full-time for Martha’s Vineyard Community Services. Anna Marie volunteers in the community when she’s not working one of her many part-time jobs such as knitting instructor at Island Alpaca Co., House Manager at the Vineyard Playhouse, and Library Aide at the Oak Bluffs Public Library. Anna Marie considers her family and friends to be the greatest blessings in her life.
Lidija Butkovi?
Belgrade, SERBIA
Lidija Butkovi? is natural-born cosmopolite and incorrigible philanthropist; a (not) meant to be journalist and convinced polyglot. Addicted to chocolate and books. She adores good advertisements and ice-skating. Never misses the Belgrade Book Fair. Her favorite part of a day is the morning with a cup of Earl Grey. Lidija’s unfulfilled wish is to see the ocean. (We’ll get her to MV one of these days!) In her spare time she lives her life; when she grows up she wants to be a child!
Tirzah De Franco
Tirzah De Franco is a Tennessee native who stumbled upon a new life in Ecuador. She has spent over a decade working in Ecuador and just might stay. When she is not teaching English she loves doing community work, spending time with the locals, and savoring their food, especially anything with peanut sauce in it. Her favorite place to be is out in the tropical mountains, rivers, or beaches.
Kelly Kidson
Vientiane, LAOS
(Painting Credit: “Sid” by Sitka’s Owner, T.R.)
Along with editing blogs, Kelly is the Web Marketing Manager for Sitka Creations and part of it’s team of Web Designers. She welcomes your ideas or requests: or twitter @kellykidson
Kelly is originally from the Adirondacks of New York, spent over a decade in Rhode Island, was inspired by her travels in Eastern Europe (with Sitka’s owner) and later, Southeast Asia. An always-thinking-business-DIY-geek; she blends her previous corporate design and marketing experience with her various (rather un-related) grassroots start-up venture experiences. When not working on SITKA projects, her spare time is spent studying the Lao language, dabbling in freelance writing, exploring Laos via her scooter and camera lens. She has a preference for strong Turkish coffee and Pentel Needle Tip pens; in a world without money she would gladly work for either.
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Alfred Rivera is an ever-so-close to nearing middle aged upstart and a career dishwasher bent on recycling pre-existing gentrified personalities, and strange things that he has heard on a bus into a pseudo-fabulous 155 pound mammalian box-set of yellowing teeth, speed-dialed wrong answers with tectonic slabs of over-confidence. ARIV can sometimes be found playing (music) in cafe’s and clubs on Martha’s Vineyard. We’ll keep you posted!
Are you an artist or organization with an upcoming event that you would like reviewed?
Please contact us about the possibility of it being included on our blog!
Email: info@sitkacreations or Twitter @sitkacreations