I received this by email and had to share. – Sitka Crew
Join us @ Santos Feb. 4th to share and show your support for HAITI. (See flier below for details) If you aren’t able to make it on Feb. 4th to Santos and you want to do something to participate, please call BreyKing and arrange a pick up of your donation and or goods.
For more info call Brey @ 610.390.4747
The event we did for Haiti was a success. We raised close to $1000 and received clothes donations as well. We had a great night of entertainment by 3 DJ’s DJ Wishbone, DJ G Money and The Youngest DJ in Charge DJ Gully! We also auctioned of a live painting done by Rich Exius that helped raise $180 in which half was donated to the fundraiser. We had a fantastic night of drinking, dancing and creating all for the sake of people less fortunate than us. I appreciate everyone that came out to support a cause of this magnitude. They need us you remain involved!! -BreyKing