Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: Tonn, Coates, Gable and Salgado win Norton youth national titles

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: April 8, 2024  Contact: Gordy Sheer (518) 637-1586   Tonn, Coates, Gable and Salgado win Norton youth national titles LAKE PLACID, N.Y.…

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Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: USA Luge celebrates 1998 Olympic honorary team captain Mojo Nixon

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: March 29, 2024 Contact: Gordy Sheer (518) 637-1586   USA Luge celebrates 1998 Olympic honorary team captain Mojo Nixon Mojo Balls…

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Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: USA Luge announces partnership with Sitka Creations

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: March 22, 2024 Contact: Lauren Howe, Phone 978-400-3036,    USA Luge announces partnership with Sitka Creations  LAKE PLACID, N.Y.—…

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Web Designers Capture Your Business’s Unique Essence

It’s that time of year when buds are blossoming, temps are getting warmer—spring is springing! While you have spring cleaning for your home or office in mind, how about spring cleaning for the digital space you inhabit online: your website?

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Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: 2024 Norton Junior National Championship titles for Greiner, Gordon and Mueller/Haugsjaa

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: March 2, 2024 Contact: Gordy Sheer (518) 637-1586      2024 Norton Junior National Championship titles for Greiner, Gordon and Mueller/Haugsjaa LAKE…

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Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: Forgan/Kirkby fifth, Kellogg/Ike sixth in World Cup finale

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: March 2, 2024 Contact: Gordy Sheer (518) 637-1586      Forgan/Kirkby fifth, Kellogg/Ike sixth in World Cup finale Forgan/Kirkby set start record;…

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Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: Emily Sweeney takes bronze in Sigulda World Cup Sprint race, places second in Sprint World Cup overall for season

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: February 25, 2024 Contact: Lauren Howe, Phone 978-400-3036,       Emily Sweeney takes bronze in Sigulda World Cup Sprint race, places second…

Continue ReadingSitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: Emily Sweeney takes bronze in Sigulda World Cup Sprint race, places second in Sprint World Cup overall for season

Sitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: Farquharson leads U.S. team with fourth place finish in Sigulda World Cup

Sitka Creations is a sponsor of the USA Luge team. Date: February 24, 2024 Contact: Lauren Howe, Phone 978-400-3036,       Farquharson leads U.S. team with fourth place finish in Sigulda World Cup…

Continue ReadingSitka Supports the USA Luge Team | PR: Farquharson leads U.S. team with fourth place finish in Sigulda World Cup