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Have you heard or said any of these words in reference to a professional association? “Dues are too expensive. The events aren’t cool. Everyone in the room is twice my age. No one listens to me. I don’t feel like I’m part of the clique.”
Memberships are down for many associations. There are things that associations can do to help, but potential and existing members also can do more to find value in membership for their careers and business development.
1. Speak up. If you think meetings are at an inconvenient time or topics are boring, say something. But also make your own suggestions. It’s easy to complain, but hard to be the one trying to come up with something that others will like.
2. Ask event organizers and membership committee members to introduce you to others. These people want you to get involved so don’t be embarrassed to ask.
3. Be active in a committee. Committee meetings are smaller so it can be easier to meet and get to know members than if you go to the big events or programs. The more you go, the more likely you are to meet everyone.
4. Become a speaker or writer. This will get your name out to others and build your reputation even among those you have never met. It also helps you establish credibility that can get you opportunities with other organizations and publications.
5. Participate in the group’s social media, listserv or other communication channels. You may not have time to go to many meetings, but you can still get to know and engage with other members.
For more ideas, read 10 Ways to Get More Value Out of Joining a Professional Association.
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